Monday, July 20, 2009

First Leg - Monday, July 20 (Drive to Sandusky, Ohio)

We arrived at camp #1 just before 6 pm and set up in record time. There's a set of train tracks nearby and Joy and Eli walked near them through a field of wildflowers to take pictures and to wave at the conductor (who waved back and blew his horn). We feasted on Vicki's awesome fajitas and drove to Lake Erie to watch the sunset (beautiful). The weather report calls for thunderstorms tomorrow afternoon, so we're going to make a Go-No Go decision about Cedar Point tomorrow morning. If not roller coasters, we might go to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland, or a nature center on the shore of the Lake.

What a huge lake. Why not call it an inland ocean? I've seen lakes before. Just walking along a pier while the waves slapped the pilings below impressed me. We could see Cedar Point from where we watched the sunset. I hope we can ride tomorrow, but if not, the Gordy-Stiths will always find a way.

Some stats for the day: 460.5 miles - 20 mpg - 3 stops - 8 hrs 45 minutes - Ohio turnpike $7.75 - gas prices in Ohio: $2.25 - Vicki saw license tags from 25 states today and would have lost all of her cows if we had been counting. Joy and Eli helped us set a record for setting up the camper (other campers noticed and commended us!) - there's a skate rink within 7 miles of camp but I'm not going - the kids played Battlefront on the PS2 but did not watch a movie. And best of all - camp slave boy did not make an appearance (think the sad clown on the Sims).

As we get ready for bed, I can hear the faint sounds of trucks and cars on the turnpike, calling me to hit the road again.

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